Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why do I ride?

 For many of us training for the Tour has begun. I'm currently training to complete a 100 mile bike ride. I didn't choose to do the century ride because I thought it would be easy. There are so many reasons that advocacy for diabetes has become my calling.

For one, I'm a pharmacist and serve those with diabetes every single day. I am currently studying to become a certified diabetes educator to make myself a even better resource for my patients. I know that the amount of people living with diabetes is growing and as one of the most trusted health care professions pharmacists need to step up our game. We need to focus on prevention and being aggressive with treatment to minimize complications down the road. I just had a patient lose fifty-three pounds to qualify for a gastric bypass. I have a great relationship with her so I told her "I know you could have done this without the surgery but I'm so proud of you". She is off all her medications now except as needed insulin. These are the success stories that make me so lucky to do what I do everyday.

Secondly, I thought I had diabetes. Shortly after getting married my husband and I began trying to have a baby. I was up all night running to the bathroom and thought I had some of the symptoms of diabetes. I was obese and after a couple of months we thought it would be best if I lost weight. We were hoping this would increase our chances of conceiving and minimize pregnancy complications. Literally a week later on New Years Day 2010, we found out that we were expecting! (The reason why I was making so many trips to the bathroom!). In all of my brilliance I decided that I would eat for five instead of eating the additional 200 to 300 calories I really needed and gained 80 pounds with the pregnancy. The day I delivered I was almost 330 pounds! I surprisingly never tested positive for gestational diabetes and had a healthy eight pound, fourteen ounce boy who is now almost 18 months old! He's my biggest motivation. I want to be healthy and active and teach him what I've learned so he never has to test his blood sugar or inject himself with insulin.

Three, I've lost 130 pounds. I know many type 2 diabetics who want to lose weight in the hopes of reversing their diabetes. I always tell them losing weight is similar to quitting smoking in that you need to be mentally ready to dedicate yourself to a complete lifestyle change. I went to see a nutritionist and it totally changed my view on food and how I fuel my body. I am now a Chobani yogurt lover and eater of whole grains and egg whites. A lot different from a person who used to finish 4 slices of pizza and an order of wings and eat so much I'd get sick to my stomach. It's been difficult at times but I see the bigger picture: I need to stick around for my family.
So these are just a few of the reasons why I ride. If you want to support me in reaching my fundraising goal of $1,500 dollars please click my link: Help me raise money to find a cure for diabetes!
 Well I'm off to circuit training, I'll keep everyone posted on my progress!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your story, Sarah. Looking forward to reading more about your training for Tour.
